We are a sea tribe who paddle long boats in rough water conditions in the northwest of Spain.

Our playground is the chaotic frontier among the mighty Atlantic ocean and the ancient Galician coast, where it was said, in the ancient times, that the world ended and the maps showed terrifying creatures……

Rockgardens, ocean surfing, currents, cliffs, big swells, uninhabited islands, gale force storms………… Once you have been paddling between dragons, is not possible to paddle like a human again .

It is a one way trip.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

"The Mad Sister of the Rock" in january is.......

¡¡¡ Fugy   !!!!

When we formed The Ocean Dragons, we are in agreement with the idea of make fun of ourselves. Among other things, we created a  title in our ridiculous rank (in a following  post we could speak about that.......) that is called:

"The Mad Sister of the Rock".

That one of us who make something specially funny or play the fool, is crowned with this temporary title until other of us make something......        
 worse !!!

Meanwhile, this "Mad Sister" is going to  be the leader in our  "dangerous"  missions....., out in the ocean.

In this sequence, you can see as a small wave catchs Oscar (in the background) by surprise and throw him over the rocks like ball in a pinball machine.

Finally he stops at the top of the rock hanging like a bat, then....

..Beer bless the Mad Sister of the Rock !!!!!


  1. Grande momento Oscar!!! Um premio bem entregue!!! Gostei...

    As grandes nos batem e a pequenas nos fazem cair... o importante é não desistir!!!!

  2. Obrigado Carvalho, hehehe, alguma coissa boa tem ser um Maluco.....!!!!
